About / Contact
ads.txt lab is a project of the jaohawi AB, Sweden. With more than 10 years of experience in the field of ad technology, we provide sophisticated solutions for the advertising industry.
Håltegelvägen 1b
72348 Västerås
Mail: info@adstxtlab.com
Org.Nr.: 559053-1959
Int. VAT-ID: SE559053195901
Godkänd för F-skatt
What's ads.txt?
Ads.txt stands for "Authorized Digital Sellers". It is a mechanism on how a publisher/website owner can tell potential buyers that the traffic they are buying is valid. It also tells the buyer that the SSP/DSP from which they are receiving the traffic is wanted/allowed by the publisher. This prevents third parties ("ad-frauders") to send traffic to buyers and claim that the traffic originates from your website (by falsifying the referrer domain in the bid-request). Read more
What's ads.cert?
Ads.cert is a standard which is designed to sign and verify messages send via OpenRTB (RTB-Requests), allowing a seller to prove that the sold inventory is valid. A message is signed using private keys and can be verified using public keys. This way a buyer can ensure that the offered inventory is valid and adfraud can be reduced. Read more
What's app-ads.txt?
App-ads.txt is the ads.txt standard for mobile apps. It allows buyers to verify that a seller is really allowed to sell inventory for this certain app. It combines the logic from ads.txt with meta information from App stores.